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What's the purpose of a transducer tool?


 Well that's easy for us to answer. When you're working out in the cold or heat one might appreciate time saved. The customer is going to appreciate you as well for getting them back on line much faster.


So what's it for?


Say you're working on a system with more than one chassis and one of the systems pressure transducers fails. The whole system goes down. And putting the that chassis in backup mode is not an option as it will likely create an over-capacity error. And the low pressure is not ignored, even with the unit set to backup mode. Simply plugging the transducer tool in where the failed transducer is plugged in will get rid of your system error and allow you to put the system in backup mode. This is only a temporary fix and not intended for permanent installation. You must get a new transducer replacement and get the system back up to full capacity as soon as possible. I don't know about you, but that sounds like a chicken dinner to us.


It can also be used in the event that one of the chassis needs to be isolated due to a refrigerant leak. Again, the low pressure is not ignored, even with the unit set to backup mode. However, using the tool allows the chassis to be isolated and the remaining chassis can be operated once the required amount of refrigerant is added. The refrigerant leak must be repaired as soon as possible as chassis/ and/or compressors should not be left in backup mode for more than 48 hours.




What's the purpose of the EEV block-off tool?


Well to us that's another obvious answer. And yet another time saver sitting on your truck. This tool/tools (I have a few on my truck) also allows you to minimize your truck stock of expensive valves. These are much cheaper and can get you by until you get the part ordered and installed. Happy boss and happy customer. 


So what's it for?


 Lets say you have a system severely flooding back due to a bad/broken EEV power-head/stepper motor which could be in a heat recovery box or a indoor unit. With all of your compressors taking on liquid you are severely damaging your compressors by washing the oil out of the crank case. You are also not making heat with a severely low discharge super-heat. Removing the bad/broken power head and installing the block-off tool allows you to save not only the day but a world of continued system damage until you get your OEM parts replaced. Again this is only a temporary device and not intended for permanent installation. 



What's the purpose of the EEV tool?


Well this is what got us started in the making our own tools business. The freezing cold temperatures blowing in off of Lake Michigan and several outdoor units iced up was an awakening . It's going to be a long day. There were so many is almost looked normal. So we decided next winter would be different. This is another serious time saver not to be passed up. 


So what's it for? 


So you've heard EEV enough by now if you are interested in the VRF field. And some might think that it's a lot like a TXV. Well that's close but a downfall to the EEV is there is no true feed back going back to its controller. This means that the controller only thinks it knows where the valve position is. And in doing so it reacts on that thought correct or incorrect. This causes so many problems including a favorite someone thinks the system is undercharged. That's where the EEV tool comes in. We put the valve back where it belongs. By putting the unit EEV command in it's full open position (via the EEV controller) or whatever position the factory would like to see for the purpose of calibration you can use this tool to drive the valve/valves to the controllers desired position. You can also use the tool to simulate but be sure to put the valve back where it belongs via calibration mode. Should the valve jump calibration soon after the calibration it is our experience the stepper motor is failing. Its best to remove the stepper motor while you are driving it with the tool so you can see the valve open and close smoothly. If it grinds and your actuator lags it usually bad. We could go on because this is an extremely important part in the system that gets missed all of the time. Arming yourself with this tool will take hesitation out of the game. You will simply tell yourself it's just going to take a few minutes now. And you'll be home for dinner before you know it.

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